Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hi Elmo, this is how I clap my hands

When I'm happy about something I like to clap my hands, and I have my own way of doing so. My way is the best, and even though I DO know how to clap like all the others - I'll just keep on doing it my own way.

Yours Daniel,

Sunday, July 27, 2008

BBQ'ing all day long!

I'm still a baby, and I love to play outside - at my age it still means that I crawl where ever I want to go to. The outside is a bit rough, stingy and scratchy - but I am a BOY and boys don't care about that!

Anyway, it was a lot of fun being the whole day with my family and all the other nice people over there (there were even some babies younger than me - so I wasn't the youngest around...), whenever I was tired or thirsy mommy or daddy always helped me get what I needed, but daddy never agrees to give me his glasses - which is too bad, since I like to break glasses.

I ate some pita, a little chicken, a pickle and lots of watermellon! dirt is very interesting, my sister Mia keeps on bringing more of it to me and putting it on my head, I think (she told me) that this is supposed to be funny, but lately I'm not so sure of it - it gets anoying after a while. and mommy always wants to wash me - now, water I DO like!

Enjoy the pictures (daddy forgot to bring a camera, but his friends didn't).
From DolphinManagl
(click on the link to see many more pictures)

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm crawling....

Hi Everyone, I'm just so happy!

I have the best sister in the world, she helps me and gives me toys all the time - I have the best times with her, now that I get around I can be more helpful to her so sometimes I make her hair (she yells with happines ;-))

anyways, just thought I'd tell you and since Daddy took some videos you can check it out for yourselves

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

With my Daddy

When my Daddy comes home at night from work, I'm very happy to see him, and he me - we like to play (just before my bath) and Mia joins in everytime (I love my sister too)

So I asked Mommy to take a few pictures of us.

Also I just wanted to tell that me and Daddy and Mia watched (a recording of) the Superbowl and Daddy was acting a little crazy - I didn't realy understand what was going on, but when Daddy shouted "Defence!, Defence!" I helped... also I clapped my hands a lot with him. I don't know how it ended because I had to go to sleep, but at one point the house shook a bit when Daddy started jumping up and down... I guess the good guys won!

Fun With Daddy 2008_02_03

My daily exercise

You should all know that I try to exercise a lot, I want to be healthy - and the doctors say that you have to exercise for that - so I do.

Sometimes Grandma helps me by cheering me along, it does help, but sometimes it is a bit too much :-) (you'll see what I mean soon).

Anyway, I am getting stronger and you can see how much by looking at my video below:

Playing with toys...

Hi Everybody,

Sorry for not posting for so long (it is lame to talk about it anyway), but here I am again. I'm now 5 months old and I'm feeling good!

Mommy and Daddy are letting me roam the living room and do whatever I want - I don't do it so well yet, but I manage to get to where I want to be eventually.

Anyway watch me playing with some of my toys: