Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hanuka Party and some more photos

Since my older sister Mia already had a Hanuka party last year, this year I have the honor of writing about this years party, My first Hanuka ever.

We had a great time, we lighted the candles, we danced and sang and ate good food (don't tell anyone but I got some solid food - even though I'm a bit too young for it :-) maybe because I'm so cute and asked so nicely...)

We played with Dreidels and Grandma won (as usual), Daddy made most of the dreidels and Grandpa bought a couple more.

Mommy made us candles to wear as hats (Hanuka Candle Crowns), and me and Mia wore matchine PJs so we would be super-adorable (not that I need to be more adorable, but my sister has some things to learn from me :-))

Happy HANUKA!!!!

Here is some dancing...

And pictures

And more pictures